15 Interview Series Celebrating Entrepreneurship



less than one month
Project Cost
$5001 - $10000
Project For Industries
What type of Project it is?
Web App

Sabhi Digital provides YouTube and Corporate Branding services with unique innovative ideas to market business or brand through videos. We help corporates create their Youtube channel, or boost the engagement on their existing channel b creating new, engaging content for the channel.

Here is one such example where we conducted a 15 Interview series celebrating Entrepreneurship, where we conducted interviews of entrepreneurs representing various industries in order for people to understand what does it take to start your own business. This series if followed with heart will make buddying entrepreneurs weiser by knowing the harshsips and struggles one has to face and overcome and the mistakes one should not commit, ethics and morals one got to stick to, and hard but smart work one needs to sweat out.



Case Study - https://www.sabhidigital.com/blog/youtube-branding-project-jodhpur-josh-series-case-study/

15 Interview Series Celebrating Entrepreneurship