An online pharmacy marketplace for a healthcare company



3 - 6 Months
Project For Industries
What type of Project it is?
Web App
What Technologies you have used?
Python TypeScript React Redux Redux-Saga Django AWS Docker Elasticsearch Storybook Jest Webpack SPA PostgreSQL


LekLek, the leading provider of pharmaceutical services in Russia, was looking for a trusted custom web application development company to build a minimum viable product. The organization wanted to quickly launch an MVP and test an idea of an online pharmacy marketplace.


Our team created a single-page application that has the following features:
  1. Unique catalog of pharmacy goods
  2. Full-text search of the desired products and information
  3. Online data search using multiple filters
  4. Cashback accrual
  5. User authorization
  6. Personal user accounts
  7. Personalized product recommendations
  8. Real-time display of goods and prices in the catalog
  9. Display of goods and prices on the map
  10. The ability for the user to quickly find the required goods using the map
  11. Statistics collection on sales, user sessions per day, week, month, etc.
  12. Sales and user data analysis in real-time


With the delivered online medicine ordering app, the customer can easily add providers of pharmacy goods to the platform. At the moment, nearly 1,500 companies are connected to the system, allowing users across the country to purchase medicines near their homes and at the most reasonable prices. Thanks to the created analytics algorithm, organizations can collect user data, monitor shopping behavior, track buying habits and preferences, and view real-time analytics reports. As a consequence, now suppliers of healthcare products can easier plan their business development and sales strategies, including supply and demand.


Python, TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Django, AWS, Docker, Elasticsearch, Storybook, Jest, Webpack, SPA, PostgreSQL

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