AWS Cloud for Monitoring Solar Energy Consumption in Households



Project For Industries
What type of Project it is?
  • Android
  • iPhone
What Technologies you have used?
Xcode, Android Studio, AWS Mobile SDK, LAMP stack, EmonCMS, Python AWS SDK, MQTT protocol, PyCharm,

Our team at Integra Sources developed the Solar Manager Cloud, an energy-efficient system for monitoring the consumption of solar power in households.

We developed the cloud architecture and the dashboard for data visualization.

The Cloud also includes an IoT platform to manage the Solar Manager devices. Solar batteries have a single board computer (SBC) whose job is to calculate how much energy home appliances use every day.

We developed web and mobile user interfaces. The AWS Mobile SDK for Android and iOS were used to build connected mobile applications using AWS.

For the development of the cloud, we used Python AWS SDK as a package for MQTT protocol support out of the box. We created the architecture of Amazon Web Services cloud and web dashboard that displays power consumption graphs. 
