

Project For Industries
What Technologies you have used?
Drupal 8, UX/UI design

Customer: FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform is a non-partisan, public interest organization of concerned Americans, united in the belief that our immigration policies and laws should again serve the nation’s future needs. This means better border management, lower levels of overall immigration, and a greater focus on highly skilled immigrants.

Technology stack: Drupal 8, UX/UI design

Challenge: FAIR had changed the structure of their organization and separated from a previous organization they were affiliated with. In addition to needing to rework their website and rebrand upon their departure, there were security concerns and some inefficiencies in the backend that they needed to address. 

Results: Danavero redesigned the FAIR website and addressed customer concerns and inefficiencies to the Drupal backend. Then Danavero removed several of the unused modules and ensured everything was running efficiently. The team also developed an integrated payment system for FAIR’s  donation goals. Danavero helped update navigation menus on the backend and reworked website security controls on user accounts, such as automatic password resets. Danavero provided updates to the look and feel of the customer site — small things like adding photo carousels. The development team provided offsite hosting for FAIR website archives.