Gujarati Calendar is helpful app with various festival data in traditional manner, so user can know what Rashi (Zodiac) today is , what Rashi Character today is , what festival today is , What is todays's sunrise and sunset time , User can also know upcoming tithi's like Bij ,Aatham, Agyaras, Poonam , Amas , etc by setting notification for them
Some most Use-full feature of app are :
- Timing of sunrise and sunset
- Days and Night Choghadiya
- Todays Shubh Muhrat
- Todays or Upcoming Holiday
- Todays or Upcoming Zodiac
- Current choghadiya and Next choghadiya
- Get Notification of upcoming tithi's like Nom, Agyaras, Poonam, Aamas, etc, you can also set timing of that notification
- You can also add you custom event by long pressing on particular date
- Have nice animation during 30 minute of sunset and sunrise
- You can use widget to get quicker info regardind today's without opening app
More update's and new design will coming soon...