


1 - 3 Months
Project Cost
$10,001 - $50,000
What type of Project it is?

MyPathway is your ‘programme planning tool’, for programmes offered via the Dept of Management & Marketing (DoMM), Unitec. This free app helps you select your programme, courses, classes and related business events to enhance your student experience. At a glance, your entire learning pathway at Unitec can be mapped out, integrated with your device calendar and be an integral tool that you will find useful daily. Are you a current student? - Be notified of any (re)scheduled classes, location and other timetable details - Be well informed of your pre-requisite pathway, availability of relevant courses, schedules and graduation timeline. Study the right courses at the right time, to graduate as planned - Proactively discuss your programme plan with your Coach - Know of and RSVP for events and activities that you are either required to or optionally attend - Scan QR code to record your attendance at events Are you a potential student? - Review the pathway of various Programmes to explore: cross credit opportunities the diverse nature of your programme study pre-requisites requirements and electives on offer, to augment selected programme of study - Programme “plan of study” that is tailored to your personal lifestyle and circumstances - Be notified of any updates/changes to selected Programme to minimise lag between “intended plan of study” and “actual study plan” - A ready plan of study, to raise confidence and assurance with your choices and decisions - A “final plan” (subject to future change by student), may be facilitated to add value to student enrolment process Are you a Graduate/Alumni? - Gain visibility how your business/employer can benefit from student involvement via projects - Ongoing learning opportunities and continuous active member of Unitec Business community
