


6 Months - 1 Year
Project Cost
$10,001 - $50,000
Project For Industries
What type of Project it is?
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Native Mobile App
  • Web App
What Technologies you have used?
Kotlin, Swift, .net, Angular

All men are islands as fiction has put it. In the lobby or the boardroom, standing in queue or the lift, StoryPie wishes to give the islanders of the world a world to share and to grow. We wish to swarm you in the interesting world of stories that are intended to tickle you specifically. We don’t follow trends, we choose to make them. From our exclusive category of curio to something as resonating as health, lifestyle, technology and films, we will cater to you what you have chosen and not what we are selling.

  • Exciting stories that you would love to share
  • A door to the curated content for the reader in you
  • Get personalized updates on your favorite topics
  • Graphics that say more than a thousand words
  • And those graphics will then be followed by less than a thousand words
  • In the end, you get a delicious pie

We at StoryPie would like to contribute to make the world connected with an array of interesting content. We wish to fill and shake your regular day to day lull with moments of spiking curiosity and epiphanies. Eagerly waiting for you to read our pies.

We expect our readers to be much smarter and less predictable. We have in store for you more than what you’d expect. Our creative team’s sole motive is to ensure innovativeness and creativity. In the upcoming months we will bring Anthology for voracious readers, we will have CheckItOut section for people who keep refreshing Youtube expecting new videos to pop up. In a line, we promise to give more than what we have promised.
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