The Economic Club of WASHINGTON D.C.



6 Months - 1 Year
Project For Industries
What Technologies you have used?
Drupal 8, PHP development, UX/UI design, Salesforce.

Customer: The Economic Club of Washington, D.C. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization created to strengthen ties among the diverse and growing business community based in metropolitan Washington, D.C., and within the diplomatic community. The Economic Club promotes global awareness of the pivotal role Washington plays in the nation and in world economies. Its goals are twofold: to provide a prominent forum where eminent global leaders can share their insights about major issues of the day, and to promote a robust peer community for the area’s top executives.

Challenge: The customer was operating on a legacy CMS that was fraught with functionality issues. The customer wanted to adopt a new system with current state features to reflect their brand and organization objective.

Results: After an extensive discovery process, Danavero documented customer ideas and wishes on how to develop a custom website. Providing wireframes and mockups, Danavero agreed with the customer team on the architectural and visual decisions. Using Drupal, Danavero then redesigned the look and feel of the site and modified its information architecture.

A key feature of the new website was a new search functionality. There were also implemented microsites enabling a publishable magazine, as well as independent conference sites.
